
Showing posts from April, 2021

Only 1.7% of Female CEOs Reach $1 Million in Sales

Photographer: Christina @ | Source: Unsplash I was blown away when I first heard that only 1.7% of female entrepreneurs reach $1 Million in sales. How could that be possible when there is almost a 50/50 split between female and male-led companies. As I have been interviewing CEOs and researching, I have compiled a list of 7 crucial steps to become one of the 1.7% percent. 1. Mentors Women want to do it all themselves and not ask for help. We like to control the situation and do not want to bother others. We are givers that are always helping but not eager to accept help back. You MUST have a support system of mentors, advisors who you can go to for assistance and advice. A support system will save you a lot of money, time, and mistakes. Almost twice as many men have mentors as women. Find someone who already has done what you want to do, even if it is in a different field, and start a relationship with them. 2. Outsource Know that you can’t do it all right

Financial Wellbeing Is One Part of Holistic Wealth with Keisha Blair

Keisha Blair’s inspiring personal story is one of overcoming personal tragedy and gaining a new perspective on life. She soon came to realize how important financial wellbeing is as part of holistic wealth and financial independence. She is the author of Holistic Wealth and the founder of the Institute of Holistic Wealth that aims to help women improve their lives through financial stability and resourcefulness. Contents Keisha Blair’s Commitment to Passing on Life’s Lessons Recognizing and Acting on Valuable Advice Sharing What Works to Grow Financial Wellbeing What is Holistic Health? Two Top Tips to Grow Financial Wellbeing Marketing and Outreach Practices Links to Keisha Blair Keisha Blair’s Commitment to Passing on Life’s Lessons Holistic Wealth can be learned Mimi: Welcome back to The Badass CEO. This is Mimi. And today, we have Keisha Blair. She is an award-winning writer of Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons to Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity, and Happiness. She's the fo

How Sustainable Manufacturing Practices Successfully Work In Home Based Business with Shauna Reiter

Shauna Reiter, the founder of Alaya Naturals and mother of two shares her passion for sustainable manufacturing practices. Her personal journey with autoimmune disease inspired her to create her all-natural supplement company. Reiter researched the highest quality, clean ingredients that could make a positive impact on health and nourish the body. While running a full-scale business from home, she’s able to practice being a mom at the same time. Shauna Reiter’s Episode Episode Content Founding a Business to Solve your own Health Issues Taking Your Health into Your Own Hands Practicing Sustainable Manufacturing and More Intentionality about Marketing and Distribution The Value of Having Skin in the Game The Joy of Keeping Close to Your Soul’s Purpose Reframing Challenges to Opportunities Juggling Business and Kids at Home Teaching Self-reliance to Grow Independence Developing the Entrepreneurial Spirit Links to Shauna Founding a Business to Solve your own Health Issues Creating healt

Who Has Your Back? The Need For A Mentor

Photographer: KOBU Agency | Source: Unsplash One common link between most CEOs and entrepreneurs is they didn’t get where they are on their own. So as you embark on your career or starting a company, you must surround yourself with role models or mentors to help you along the way. Only 5% of CEOs are females, and only 1.7% of female entrepreneurs ever reach a million dollars in sales. I believe one of the main reasons is because women don’t ask for help and seek mentors. The path to building your own business or climbing the corporate ladder is unknown and difficult, so having someone with experience to guide and advise you is crucial. Many CEOs and founders have mentors (even after huge success) because they look to these mentors for growth and wisdom over time. Where do you find these mentors? You can hire a business coach. You can look at someone who has done what you wanted to do in the same industry or a different one and learn everything about that person. If they are too po

What It Means to Find Your Voice with Supermodel Molly Sims

My friend, supermodel. Molly Sims shared with me what it means to find your voice. Luck doesn’t just happen to you. You have to go out, make a name for yourself, and create your own opportunities. This was one of the quotes that stuck with me after our conversation. Her warmth, hard work, and determination have helped her transition from model to actress to author and lifestyle expert. Molly embodies badass in every area of her life and career. Her desire, ambition, and commitment have made her the success she is today. She has become the go-to girl for fashion, beauty, and parenting advice. Episode Contents Molly Sims - She Really Needs No Introduction Tips on How to Find Your Voice To Build and Create a Brand - It’s About Passion Molly’s Love of Organization Being a Connector Is So Undervalued Advice for Wannabe Entrepreneurs Links Molly Sims - She Really Needs No Introduction Molly Sims found her voice: Perseverance + Determination = Luck Mimi: I have Molly Sims. She's an actr