How To Grow Your Business By Becoming An Author

business book writer Stacy Ennis
Stacy Ennis

Her Advice For Those Interested In Launching Books

Stacy Ennis is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur who helps other entrepreneurs grow their businesses, clarify their messaging and share their unique stories. Stacy has worked with many individuals who have found great success after launching a book with her, and it has even been a catalyst for a new business trajectory.

Before becoming self-employed and an entrepreneur, Stacy was an English teacher and the publishing industry. After 13 years, she decided to take the leap and launch her business and books. Stacy knew she wanted to expand her impact while still being grounded in language and writing - her coaching and book launch business was the perfect step. She works with her clients 1-1 to help them clarify their ideas, harness their unique points of view, and impact more lives by launching a book.

Her Advice for Those Looking to Write A Business Book

  • You are ready to write and make an impact when you have a developed experience and story to tell that can help grow your influencer.
  • Your book needs to be aligned with your wider mission
  • You don’t need a full business or offerings to launch a book; that can come after your book launch. Many of these things will grow out of the book itself.
  • Don’t look at book sales as your driving ROI - instead, look for exposure, new coaching clients, speaking opportunities, and overall development of your influence.
  • Focus on finding the ONE reader you want to connect with and make sure you are catering to them and how your writing can impact them
  • You will never have time to write a book, so just start!

Find Stacy and Her Book Launching Business


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